23 December 2011

Christ-Centered Christmas by Hal and Melanie Young (E-book) - A Review

Christ-Centered Christmas is a charming 80 page e-book that introduces you to the Christmas traditions of the Young family. As its title implies the e-book's focus is on keeping Christ in your CHRISTmas. Hal and Melanie virtually open their doors to their home and take you on a tour of their favorite traditions with a warm blend of history, how-to's, and recipes.

In their e-book you will find the following topics:


Celebrating Advent

Caroling Parties

and more . . .

One of my favorite sections in the e-book is the history behind why we decorate our homes with evergreen at Christmas time. This was a piece of history of which I was unaware. Like most, I grew up with the tradition of the Christmas tree and never thought much else about it. As an adult, I heard various arguments for and against with the opposing side citing it as a pagan tradition and therefore not appropriate in a Christian home. Our family has always loved having a tree and kept that tradition despite occasionally wondering if the naysayers had some truth in their argument. Well, I will happily put up my tree and my wreaths now in celebration of a Christ-Centered Christmas. Oh, and if you want to know the story . . . well, you'll just have to buy the e-book!

Hal and Melanie Young's Christ-Centered Christmas is definitely a keeper. I highly recommend it to everyone who wants to learn or add to their traditions of having Christ as the focus of your Christmas. It certainly left me with some new ideas and affirmations of old ones.

Plus, they included some really fantastic recipes!

Thank you Hal and Melanie Young for providing me with a free copy of Christ-Centered Christmas to review. They did not require that I provide a positive review and all opinions expressed are my own.

If you would like to find out more about Hal and Melanie Young or purchase Christ-Centered Christmas please visit www.raisingrealmen.com. Download this gorgeous 80 page, full color book (a $15 value) now for their introductory price of $6!! http://www.raisingrealmen.com/ourstore/christmas/

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